zh-cn.php 7.1 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /** Chinese Simplified localization file for KCFinder
  3. * author: yutuo
  4. * country: China
  5. * E-mail: yutuo5@gmail.com
  6. * URL: yutuo.net
  7. */
  8. $lang = array(
  9. '_locale' => "zh_CN.UTF-8", // UNIX localization code
  10. '_charset' => "utf-8", // Browser charset
  11. // Date time formats. See http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php
  12. '_dateTimeFull' => "%A, %e %B, %Y %H:%M",
  13. '_dateTimeMid' => "%a %e %b %Y %H:%M",
  14. '_dateTimeSmall' => "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
  15. "You don't have permissions to upload files." => "您没有权限上传文件。",
  16. "You don't have permissions to browse server." => "您没有权限查看服务器文件。",
  17. "Cannot move uploaded file to target folder." => "无法移动上传文件到指定文件夹。",
  18. "Unknown error." => "发生不可预知异常。",
  19. "The uploaded file exceeds {size} bytes." => "文件大小超过{size}字节。",
  20. "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded." => "文件未完全上传。",
  21. "No file was uploaded." => "文件未上传。",
  22. "Missing a temporary folder." => "临时文件夹不存在。",
  23. "Failed to write file." => "写入文件失败。",
  24. "Denied file extension." => "禁止的文件扩展名。",
  25. "Unknown image format/encoding." => "无法确认图片格式。",
  26. "The image is too big and/or cannot be resized." => "图片大太,且(或)无法更改大小。",
  27. "Cannot create {dir} folder." => "无法创建{dir}文件夹。",
  28. "Cannot rename the folder." => "无法重命名该文件夹。",
  29. "Cannot write to upload folder." => "无法写入上传文件夹。",
  30. "Cannot read .htaccess" => "文件.htaccess无法读取。",
  31. "Incorrect .htaccess file. Cannot rewrite it!" => "文件.htaccess错误,无法重写。",
  32. "Cannot read upload folder." => "无法读取上传目录。",
  33. "Cannot access or create thumbnails folder." => "无法访问或创建缩略图文件夹。",
  34. "Cannot access or write to upload folder." => "无法访问或写入上传文件夹。",
  35. "Please enter new folder name." => "请输入文件夹名。",
  36. "Unallowable characters in folder name." => "文件夹名含有禁止字符。",
  37. "Folder name shouldn't begins with '.'" => "文件夹名不能以点(.)为首字符。",
  38. "Please enter new file name." => "请输入新文件名。",
  39. "Unallowable characters in file name." => "文件名含有禁止字符。",
  40. "File name shouldn't begins with '.'" => "文件名不能以点(.)为首字符。",
  41. "Are you sure you want to delete this file?" => "是否确认删除该文件?",
  42. "Are you sure you want to delete this folder and all its content?" => "是否确认删除该文件夹以及其子文件和子目录?",
  43. "Non-existing directory type." => "不存在的目录类型。",
  44. "Undefined MIME types." => "未定义的MIME类型。",
  45. "Fileinfo PECL extension is missing." => "文件PECL属性不存在。",
  46. "Opening fileinfo database failed." => "打开文件属性数据库出错。",
  47. "You can't upload such files." => "你无法上传该文件。",
  48. "The file '{file}' does not exist." => "文件{file}不存在。",
  49. "Cannot read '{file}'." => "无法读取文件{file}。",
  50. "Cannot copy '{file}'." => "无法复制文件{file}。",
  51. "Cannot move '{file}'." => "无法移动文件{file}。",
  52. "Cannot delete '{file}'." => "无法删除文件{file}。",
  53. "Cannot delete the folder." => "无法删除该文件夹。",
  54. "Click to remove from the Clipboard" => "点击从剪贴板删除",
  55. "This file is already added to the Clipboard." => "文件已复制到剪贴板。",
  56. "The files in the Clipboard are not readable." => "剪贴板上该文件无法读取。",
  57. "{count} files in the Clipboard are not readable. Do you want to copy the rest?" => "剪贴板{count}个文件无法读取。 是否复制静态文件?",
  58. "The files in the Clipboard are not movable." => "剪贴板上该文件无法移动。",
  59. "{count} files in the Clipboard are not movable. Do you want to move the rest?" => "剪贴板{count}个文件无法移动。 是否移动静态文件?",
  60. "The files in the Clipboard are not removable." => "剪贴板上该文件无法删除。",
  61. "{count} files in the Clipboard are not removable. Do you want to delete the rest?" => "剪贴板{count}个文件无法删除。 是否删除静态文件?",
  62. "The selected files are not removable." => "选中文件未删除。",
  63. "{count} selected files are not removable. Do you want to delete the rest?" => "选中的{count}个文件未删除。是否删除静态文件?",
  64. "Are you sure you want to delete all selected files?" => "是否确认删除选中文件?",
  65. "Failed to delete {count} files/folders." => "{count}个文件或文件夹无法删除。",
  66. "A file or folder with that name already exists." => "文件或文件夹已存在。",
  67. "Copy files here" => "复制到这里",
  68. "Move files here" => "移动到这里",
  69. "Delete files" => "删除这些文件",
  70. "Clear the Clipboard" => "清除剪贴板",
  71. "Are you sure you want to delete all files in the Clipboard?" => "是否确认删除所有在剪贴板的文件?",
  72. "Copy {count} files" => "复制 {count} 个文件",
  73. "Move {count} files" => "移动 {count} 个文件 ",
  74. "Add to Clipboard" => "添加到剪贴板",
  75. "Inexistant or inaccessible folder." => "不存在或不可访问的文件夹。",
  76. "New folder name:" => "新文件夹名:",
  77. "New file name:" => "新文件夹:",
  78. "Upload" => "上传",
  79. "Refresh" => "刷新",
  80. "Settings" => "设置",
  81. "Maximize" => "最大化",
  82. "About" => "关于",
  83. "files" => "文件",
  84. "selected files" => "选中的文件",
  85. "View:" => "视图:",
  86. "Show:" => "显示:",
  87. "Order by:" => "排序:",
  88. "Thumbnails" => "图标",
  89. "List" => "列表",
  90. "Name" => "文件名",
  91. "Type" => "种类",
  92. "Size" => "大小",
  93. "Date" => "日期",
  94. "Descending" => "降序",
  95. "Uploading file..." => "正在上传文件...",
  96. "Loading image..." => "正在加载图片...",
  97. "Loading folders..." => "正在加载文件夹...",
  98. "Loading files..." => "正在加载文件...",
  99. "New Subfolder..." => "新建文件夹...",
  100. "Rename..." => "重命名...",
  101. "Delete" => "删除",
  102. "OK" => "OK",
  103. "Cancel" => "取消",
  104. "Select" => "选择",
  105. "Select Thumbnail" => "选择缩略图",
  106. "Select Thumbnails" => "选择缩略图",
  107. "View" => "查看",
  108. "Download" => "下载",
  109. "Download files" => "下载文件",
  110. "Clipboard" => "剪贴板",
  111. "Checking for new version..." => "正在检查新版本...",
  112. "Unable to connect!" => "无法链接!",
  113. "Download version {version} now!" => "马上下载{version}版本!",
  114. "KCFinder is up to date!" => "KCFinder已经是最新的!",
  115. "Licenses:" => "许可证",
  116. "Attention" => "注意",
  117. "Question" => "问题",
  118. "Yes" => "是",
  119. "No" => "否",
  120. "You cannot rename the extension of files!" => "禁止修改文件后缀",
  121. "Uploading file {number} of {count}... {progress}" => "正在上传文件{number} / {count}... {progress}",
  122. "Failed to upload {filename}!" => "上传失败{filename}!",
  123. );
  124. ?>