123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221 |
- <?php
- /**
- * @var $this \yii\web\View
- */
- $this->registerJsFile('/js/zuck/dist/zuck.min.js',["position"=>$this::POS_HEAD]);
- $this->registerCssFile("/js/zuck/dist/zuck.min.css");
- $this->registerCssFile("/js/zuck/dist/skins/snapgram.min.css");
- ?>
- <div class="stories_cont">
- <div id="stories"></div>
- </div>
- <?php use app\models\News;
- $stories = Yii::$app->cache->getOrSet("site-stories-",function (){
- $data = [];
- $news = \app\models\front\News::find()->alias('news')
- ->joinWith('topics t')
- ->groupBy('news.id')
- ->andWhere(['t.id'=>157])->limit(10);
- $index = 0;
- foreach ($news->all() as $news_item)
- {
- /**
- * @var $news_item News
- */
- $comments = [];
- foreach ($news_item->getCommentsAll()->limit(5)->all() as $comment){
- /**
- * @var $comment \app\models\base\Comments
- */
- $comments[]=[
- "message"=>$comment->message,
- "published_at"=>$comment->publishedAt
- ];
- }
- $data[]=[
- "id"=>$news_item->id,
- "index"=>$index,
- "photo"=>$news_item->preview->getUrl(\app\models\base\Image::SIZE_680x383),
- "name"=>str_replace( '"',""",$news_item->title),
- "link"=>$news_item->url,
- "lastUpdated"=>strtotime($news_item->dt_pub),
- "seen"=>false,
- "published_at"=>$news_item->publishedAt,
- "items"=>[
- [
- "id"=>$news_item->id,
- "type"=>"photo",
- "length"=>100,
- "lastUpdated"=>strtotime($news_item->dt_pub),
- "src"=>$news_item->preview->getUrl(\app\models\base\Image::SIZE_1040x586),
- "preview"=>$news_item->preview->getUrl(\app\models\base\Image::SIZE_320x180),
- "link"=>$news_item->url,
- "linkText"=>str_replace( '"',"'",$news_item->lid),
- "seen"=> false,
- "lid"=>str_replace( '"',"'",$news_item->lid),
- "post_title"=>str_replace( '"',"'",$news_item->title),
- "internal_id"=>$news_item->id,
- "comments"=>base64_encode(json_encode($comments))
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $index++;
- }
- return json_encode($data);
- },60*5);
- ?>
- <script>
- const get = function (array, what) {
- if (array) {
- return array[what] || '';
- } else {
- return '';
- }
- };
- const renderComments = function (comments){
- let html = "";
- var j;
- try{
- let commentsArr = JSON.parse(atob(comments));
- if("object" === typeof commentsArr && commentsArr.length>0){
- html+='<div class="comments">';
- for(let i = 0; i < commentsArr.length; i++){
- j = commentsArr[i];
- html+=`<div class="comment"><div class="message">${j.message}</div><div class="published_at">${j.published_at}</div></div>`
- }
- html+='</div>';
- }
- } catch (e){
- }
- return html;
- }
- let stories = new Zuck("stories",{
- skin: 'snapgram',
- avatars: false, // shows user photo instead of last story item preview
- list: false, // displays a timeline instead of carousel
- openEffect: false, // enables effect when opening story
- cubeEffect: false, // enables the 3d cube effect when sliding story
- autoFullScreen: false, // enables fullscreen on mobile browsers
- backButton: true, // adds a back button to close the story viewer
- backNative: false, // uses window history to enable back button on browsers/android
- previousTap: true, // use 1/3 of the screen to navigate to previous item when tap the story
- localStorage: true, // set true to save "seen" position. Element must have a id to save properly.
- reactive: false, // set true if you use frameworks like React to control the timeline (see react.sample.html)
- rtl: false, // enable/disable RTL
- paginationArrows:true,
- stories: <?=$stories?>,
- template: {
- viewerItemBody: function (index, currentIndex, item) {
- console.log(stories);
- $('.previous').on( "click", function(event) {
- console.log( stories );
- //stories.moveStoryItem(true);
- stories.navigateItem('previous', event);
- //stories.navigateItem("previous", 0);
- } );
- return `<div
- class="item ${get(item, 'seen') === true ? 'seen' : ''} ${currentIndex === index ? 'active' : ''}"
- data-time="${get(item, 'time')}" data-type="${get(item, 'type')}" data-index="${index}" data-item-id="${get(item, 'internal_id')}" data-story-id="${get(item, 'internal_id')}">
- <div class="title"><h2><a href="${item.link}">${item.post_title}</a></h2></div>
- ${renderComments(item.comments)}
- <div class="blur-bg" style="background-image: url('${get(item, 'src')}') "></div><div class="image-container" ><img loading="auto" class="media" src="${get(item, 'src')}" ${get(item, 'type')} alt=""/></div>
- <a class="tip link" href="${get(item, 'link')}" rel="noopener" target="_blank">
- ${!get(item, 'linkText') || get(item, 'linkText') === '' ? option('language', 'visitLink') : get(item, 'linkText')}
- </a>
- </div>`;
- },
- timelineItem: function(itemData) {
- lazy = itemData['index'] == 5?'loading="auto" ':'';
- lazy = itemData['index'] > 5?'loading="lazy" ':lazy;
- return `<div class="story ${itemData['seen'] === true ? 'seen' : ''}">
- <a class="item-link" ${
- itemData['link'] ? `href="${itemData['link'] || ''}"` : ''
- }>
- <span class="item-preview">
- <img lazy="eager" ${lazy}src="${
- itemData['currentPreview']
- }" alt=""/>
- </span>
- <span class="info" itemProp="author" itemScope itemType="http://schema.org/Person">
- <strong class="name" itemProp="name">${itemData['name']}</strong>
- <span class="time"></span>
- </span>
- </a>
- <ul class="items"></ul>
- </div>`;
- },
- viewerItem: function (storyData, currentStoryItem) {
- var date = new Date(storyData.lastUpdated*1000);
- return `<div class="story-viewer" data-story-id="${get(currentStoryItem, 'internal_id')}">
- <div class="head">
- <div class="left">
- <a class="back">‹</a>
- <span class="item-preview">
- <img lazy="eager" class="profilePhoto" src="${get(storyData, 'photo')}" alt="${get(storyData, 'name')}" />
- </span>
- <div class="info">
- <strong class="name">${get(storyData, 'name')}</strong>
- <span class="time">${date.toLocaleDateString()}</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="right">
- <span class="time">${get(currentStoryItem, 'timeAgo')}</span>
- <span class="loading"></span>
- <a class="close" tabIndex="2">×</a>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="slides-pointers">
- <div class="wrap"></div>
- </div>
- <div class="slides-pagination">
- <span class="previous" id="story-prev" style="z-index:999"><img src="/js/zuck/dist/img/previous.svg" alt="previous" width="50" height="50"></span>
- <span class="next"><img src="/js/zuck/dist/img/next.svg" alt="next" width="50" height="50"></span>
- </div>
- </div>`;
- },
- }
- });
- const getCurrentIndex = function ()
- {
- return stories.data.filter((story) => story.id==stories.internalData.currentStory)[0].index;
- }
- stories.back = function ()
- {
- let previousIndex = getCurrentIndex() - 1;
- if( previousIndex < 0) previousIndex = stories.data.length -1;
- //stories.navigateItem(previousIndex)
- stories.navigateItem('previous', event);
- }
- var stories_container = document.getElementById("stories");
- addEventListener('wheel', (event) => {});
- stories_container.onwheel = (e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- stories_container.scrollLeft+=e.wheelDeltaY
- return false;
- };
- </script>
- <?
- $this->registerJs(
- <<<JS
- JS
- ,
- yii\web\View::POS_END, 'zuck-click'
- );