123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748 |
- <?php
- use demi\cropper\Cropper;
- use yii\web\JsExpression;
- echo "<img id='myImage' src='' width='100px'/>";
- $image = '/topics/36_size2.jpg';
- echo Cropper::widget([
- // If true - it's output button for toggle modal crop window
- 'modal' => true,
- // You can customize modal window. Copy /vendor/demi/cropper/views/modal.php
- 'modalView' => '@vendor/demi/cropper/views/modal.php',
- // URL-address for the crop-handling request
- // By default, sent the following post-params: x, y, width, height, rotate
- 'cropUrl' => ['cropImage', 'id' => $image],
- // Url-path to original image for cropping
- 'image' => Yii::$app->request->baseUrl . '/images/' . $image,
- // The aspect ratio for the area of cropping
- 'aspectRatio' => 4 / 3, // or 16/9(wide) or 1/1(square) or any other ratio. Null - free ratio
- // Additional params for JS cropper plugin
- 'pluginOptions' => [
- // All possible options: https://github.com/fengyuanchen/cropper/blob/master/README.md#options
- 'minCropBoxWidth' => 400, // minimal crop area width
- 'minCropBoxHeight' => 300, // minimal crop area height
- ],
- // HTML-options for widget container
- 'options' => [],
- // HTML-options for cropper image tag
- 'imageOptions' => [],
- // Translated messages
- 'messages' => [
- 'cropBtn' => Yii::t('app', 'Crop'),
- 'cropModalTitle' => Yii::t('app', 'Select crop area and click "Crop" button'),
- 'closeModalBtn' => Yii::t('app', 'Close'),
- 'cropModalBtn' => Yii::t('app', 'Crop selected'),
- ],
- // Additional ajax-options for send crop-request. See jQuery $.ajax() options
- 'ajaxOptions' => [
- 'success' => new JsExpression(<<<JS
- function(data) {
- // data - your JSON response from [[cropUrl]]
- $("#myImage").attr("src", data.croppedImageSrc);
- }
- JS
- ),
- ],
- ]);
- ?>
- test