config.js 4.1 KB

  1. /**
  2. * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
  3. * For licensing, see or
  4. */
  5. CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
  6. // %REMOVE_START%
  7. // The configuration options below are needed when running CKEditor from source files.
  8. config.plugins = 'inject,basicstyles,oembed,dialogui,dialog,about,a11yhelp,dialogadvtab,clipboard,button,panelbutton,panel,floatpanel,colorbutton,colordialog,templates,menu,contextmenu,div,resize,toolbar,elementspath,enterkey,entities,popup,filebrowser,find,fakeobjects,floatingspace,listblock,richcombo,format,horizontalrule,htmlwriter,iframe,wysiwygarea,image,indent,indentblock,indentlist,justify,menubutton,link,list,liststyle,magicline,maximize,newpage,newPlugin,pagebreak,pastetext,pastefromword,preview,print,removeformat,save,selectall,showblocks,showborders,sourcearea,stylescombo,tab,table,tabletools,undo,lineutils,widget,notification,lightbox,onchange,tweetabletext,chart,blockquote,specialchar';
  9. // config.extraPlugins = 'autosave';
  10. config.extraPlugins = 'wordcount,polls,twinimg,figure,bootstrapMediaEmbed';
  11. config.locationMapPath = '/widget/';
  12. // config.extraPlugins = 'powrsocialfeed';
  13. config.wordcount = {
  14. // Whether or not you want to show the Word Count
  15. showWordCount: true,
  16. // Whether or not you want to show the Char Count
  17. showCharCount: true,
  18. // Maximum allowed Word Count
  19. // maxWordCount: 4,
  20. // Maximum allowed Char Count
  21. // maxCharCount: 10
  22. countSpacesAsChars: true,
  23. };
  24. = 'moono';
  25. //config.toolbar_Full.push(['newPlugin']);
  26. // %REMOVE_END%
  27. config.disableNativeSpellChecker = false;
  28. // Define changes to default configuration here. For example:
  29. config.extraAllowedContent = 'a[data-lightbox,data-title,data-lightbox-saved]'; // lightbox
  30. config.language = 'ru';
  31. // config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
  32. // config.extraPlugins='audio';
  33. // config.basicEntities = false;
  34. config.entities = false;
  35. config.colorButton_enableMore = true;
  36. // config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; //non auto paragraph
  37. config.allowedContent = true;
  38. config.forcePasteAsPlainText = false;
  39. config.pasteFilter = 'h2 ul ol li; img[!src, alt]; a[!href]';
  40. config.pasteFromWordRemoveStyles = true;
  41. config.templates_replaceContent = false;
  42. config.chart_configBar = { animation: true };
  43. config.chart_maxItems = 12;
  44. config.chart_colors =
  45. {
  46. // Colors for Bar/Line chart.
  47. fillColor: 'rgba(151,187,205,0.5)',
  48. strokeColor: 'rgba(151,187,205,0.8)',
  49. highlightFill: 'rgba(151,187,205,0.75)',
  50. highlightStroke: 'rgba(151,187,205,1)',
  51. // Colors for Doughnut/Pie/PolarArea charts.
  52. data: [ '#6b8cab', '#2c62a0', '#00b5b0', '#71B232', '#33B22D', '#31B272', '#2DB5B5', '#3172B6', '#3232B6', '#6E31B2', '#B434AF', '#B53071' ]
  53. }
  54. // config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl = '/admin/ckeditor/kcfinder/browse.php?type=images';
  55. config.toolbarGroups = [
  56. { name: 'document', groups: [ 'mode', 'doctools', 'document' ] },
  57. { name: 'editing', groups: [ 'find', 'selection', 'spellchecker', 'editing' ] },
  58. { name: 'forms', groups: [ 'forms' ] },
  59. { name: 'tools', groups: [ 'tools' ] },
  60. '/',
  61. { name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ] },
  62. { name: 'clipboard', groups: [ 'clipboard', 'undo' ] },
  63. { name: 'paragraph', groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align', 'paragraph', 'figure' ] },
  64. '/',
  65. { name: 'styles', groups: [ 'styles' ] },
  66. { name: 'colors', groups: [ 'colors' ] },
  67. { name: 'insert', groups: [ 'insert','bootstrapMediaEmbed' ] },
  68. { name: 'links', groups: [ 'links' ] },
  69. { name: 'others', groups: [ 'others' ] },
  70. { name: 'about', groups: [ 'about' ] }
  71. ];
  72. config.removeButtons = 'About,NewPage,Save';
  73. config.format_tags = 'p;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;div';
  74. config.font_names = 'PT Serif;Roboto Condensed;Fira Sans;serif;Arial;Times New Roman;Verdana;Tahoma;sans-serif';
  75. };
  76. /*CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add( 'default',
  77. [
  78. { name : 'Разрыв строки', element : 'div', attributes : { 'class' : 'clearing' } },
  79. { name : 'Texto Explicacion Servicio', element : 'div', attributes : { 'class' : 'texto_explicacion_servicio' } },
  80. { name : 'Texto Fondo Foto', element : 'div', attributes : { 'class' : 'intro_fondo_foto' } }
  81. ]);
  82. */