assetManager->getPublishedUrl('@vendor/almasaeed2010/adminlte/dist'); foreach($users as $userid => $data){ $op = ( $userid == $id )?0.5:1; $mark = ( time()-$data['time'] < $obj::sleep )?'fas fa-user-check':'fas fa-mug-hot'; $mark = ( time()-$data['time'] < $obj::dead )?$mark:'fas fa-bed'; $markd = ( time()-$data['time'] < $obj::sleep )?'text-success':'text-warning'; $markd = ( time()-$data['time'] < $obj::dead )?$markd:'text-danger'; if( time()-$data['time'] < $obj::kill ) { $photo = "/images/users/".$userid."_norm.jpg"; if( !file_exists( Yii::getAlias('@webroot').$photo ) ){ $photo = $assetDir."/img/user1-128x128.jpg"; } $authorname = $data['name']; $authornews = []; $bb_date = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", time()); $eb_date = date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", time()); $sql = "select * from `news` WHERE `dt_pub` BETWEEN '".$bb_date."' AND '".$eb_date."' and editors like '$authorname%' order by dt_pub"; $authornews = Yii::$app->db->createCommand( $sql )->queryAll(); $authornewsp = []; $ebn_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:00", time()); $sql = "select * from `news` WHERE `dt_pub` BETWEEN '".$bb_date."' AND '".$ebn_date."' and `news`.active = 'Y' and editors like '$authorname%' order by dt_pub"; $authornewsn = Yii::$app->db->createCommand( $sql )->queryAll(); ?>
User profile picture

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