* * @property string $galleryId */ class GalleryBehavior extends Behavior { /** * Glue used to implode composite primary keys * @var string */ public $pkGlue = '_'; /** * @var string Type name assigned to model in image attachment action * @see GalleryManagerAction::$types * @example $type = 'Post' where 'Post' is the model name */ public $type; /** * @var ActiveRecord the owner of this behavior * @example $owner = Post where Post is the ActiveRecord with GalleryBehavior attached under public function behaviors() */ public $owner; /** * Widget preview height * @var int */ public $previewHeight = 200; /** * Widget preview width * @var int */ public $previewWidth = 200; /** * Extension for saved images * @var string */ public $extension; /** * Path to directory where to save uploaded images * @var string */ public $directory; /** * Directory Url, without trailing slash * @var string */ public $url; /** * @var array Functions to generate image versions * @note Be sure to not modify image passed to your version function, * because it will be reused in all other versions, * Before modification you should copy images as in examples below * @note 'preview' & 'original' versions names are reserved for image preview in widget * and original image files, if it is required - you can override them * @example * [ * 'small' => function ($img) { * return $img * ->copy() * ->resize($img->getSize()->widen(200)); * }, * 'medium' => function ($img) { * $dstSize = $img->getSize(); * $maxWidth = 800; * ] */ public $versions; /** * name of query param for modification time hash * to avoid using outdated version from cache - set it to false * @var string */ public $timeHash = '_'; /** * Used by GalleryManager * @var bool * @see GalleryManager::run */ public $hasName = true; /** * Used by GalleryManager * @var bool * @see GalleryManager::run */ public $hasDescription = true; /** * Used by GalleryManager * @var string * @see GalleryManager::run */ public $copyName = ""; /** * @var string Table name for saving gallery images meta information */ public $tableName = '{{%gallery_image}}'; protected $_galleryId; /** * @param ActiveRecord $owner */ public function attach($owner) { parent::attach($owner); if (!isset($this->versions['original'])) { $this->versions['original'] = function ($image) { return $image; }; } if (!isset($this->versions['preview'])) { $this->versions['preview'] = function ($originalImage) { /** @var ImageInterface $originalImage */ return $originalImage ->thumbnail(new Box($this->previewWidth, $this->previewHeight)); }; } } public function events() { return [ ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE => 'beforeDelete', ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_UPDATE => 'afterUpdate', ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_FIND => 'afterFind', ]; } public function beforeDelete() { $images = $this->getImages(); foreach ($images as $image) { $this->deleteImage($image->id); } $dirPath = $this->directory . '/' . $this->getGalleryId(); @rmdir($dirPath); } public function afterFind() { $this->_galleryId = $this->getGalleryId(); } public function afterUpdate() { $galleryId = $this->getGalleryId(); if ($this->_galleryId != $galleryId) { $dirPath1 = $this->directory . '/' . $this->_galleryId; $dirPath2 = $this->directory . '/' . $galleryId; rename($dirPath1, $dirPath2); } } protected $_images = null; /** * @return GalleryImage[] */ public function getImages() { if ($this->_images === null) { $query = new \yii\db\Query(); $imagesData = $query ->select(['id', 'name', 'description', 'rank']) ->from($this->tableName) ->where(['type' => $this->type, 'ownerId' => $this->getGalleryId()]) ->orderBy(['rank' => 'asc']) ->all(); $this->_images = []; foreach ($imagesData as $imageData) { $this->_images[] = new GalleryImage($this, $imageData); } } return $this->_images; } protected function getFileName($imageId, $version = 'original') { return implode( '/', [ $this->getGalleryId(), $imageId, $version . '.' . $this->extension, ] ); } public function getUrl($imageId, $version = 'original') { $path = $this->getFilePath($imageId, $version); if (!file_exists($path)) { $old_ext = $this->extension; $this->extension = 'png'; $path = $this->getFilePath($imageId, $version); if (!file_exists($path)) { if($version=='large'){ return $this->getUrl($imageId, 'medium'); } $this->extension = $old_ext; return null; } } if (!empty($this->timeHash)) { $time = filemtime($path); $suffix = '?' . $this->timeHash . '=' . crc32($time); } else { $suffix = ''; } return $this->url . '/' . $this->getFileName($imageId, $version) . $suffix; } public function getFilePath($imageId, $version = 'original') { return $this->directory . '/' . $this->getFileName($imageId, $version); } /** * Replace existing image by specified file * * @param $imageId * @param $path */ public function replaceImage($imageId, $path) { $this->createFolders($this->getFilePath($imageId, 'original')); $ses = false; if( \Yii::$app->session->isActive ){ \Yii::$app->session->close(); $ses = true; } $originalImage = Image::getImagine()->open($path); //save image in original size //create image preview for gallery manager foreach ($this->versions as $version => $fn) { /** @var ImageInterface $image */ $t = time(); $image = call_user_func($fn, $originalImage, $this->getFilePath($imageId, $version)); if( $image !== true ) { if (is_array($image)) { list($image, $options) = $image; } else { $options = []; } $image->save($this->getFilePath($imageId, $version), $options); } $te = time(); \yii\BaseYii::Debug("time ($version):".($te-$t), 'photo gen'); } if( $ses ) \Yii::$app->session->open(); } private function removeFile($fileName) { try { return FileHelper::unlink($fileName); } catch (\Exception $ex){ return true; } } /** * Get Gallery Id * * @return mixed as string or integer * @throws Exception */ public function getGalleryId() { $pk = $this->owner->getPrimaryKey(); if (is_array($pk)) { return implode($this->pkGlue, $pk); } else { return $pk; } } private function createFolders($filePath) { return FileHelper::createDirectory(FileHelper::normalizePath(dirname($filePath)), 0777); } /////////////////////////////// ========== Public Actions ============ /////////////////////////// public function deleteImage($imageId) { foreach ($this->versions as $version => $fn) { $filePath = $this->getFilePath($imageId, $version); $this->removeFile($filePath); } $filePath = $this->getFilePath($imageId, 'original'); $parts = explode('/', $filePath); $parts = array_slice($parts, 0, count($parts) - 1); $dirPath = implode('/', $parts); @rmdir($dirPath); $db = \Yii::$app->db; $db->createCommand() ->delete( $this->tableName, ['id' => $imageId] )->execute(); } public function deleteImages($imageIds) { foreach ($imageIds as $imageId) { $this->deleteImage($imageId); } if ($this->_images !== null) { $removed = array_combine($imageIds, $imageIds); $this->_images = array_filter( $this->_images, function ($image) use (&$removed) { return !isset($removed[$image->id]); } ); } } public function addImage($fileName) { $db = \Yii::$app->db; $db->createCommand() ->insert( $this->tableName, [ 'type' => $this->type, 'ownerId' => $this->getGalleryId() ] )->execute(); $id = $db->getLastInsertID('gallery_image_id_seq'); $db->createCommand() ->update( $this->tableName, ['rank' => $id], ['id' => $id] )->execute(); $this->replaceImage($id, $fileName); $originname = $_FILES['gallery-image']['name']; $galleryImage = new GalleryImage($this, ['id' => $id, 'name'=>$originname]); if ($this->_images !== null) { $this->_images[] = $galleryImage; } return $galleryImage; } public function arrange($order) { $orders = []; $i = 0; foreach ($order as $k => $v) { if (!$v) { $order[$k] = $k; } $orders[] = $order[$k]; $i++; } sort($orders); $i = 0; $res = []; foreach ($order as $k => $v) { $res[$k] = $orders[$i]; \Yii::$app->db->createCommand() ->update( $this->tableName, ['rank' => $orders[$i]], ['id' => $k] )->execute(); $i++; } // todo: arrange images if presented return $order; } /** * @param array $imagesData * * @return GalleryImage[] */ public function updateImagesData($imagesData) { $imageIds = array_keys($imagesData); $imagesToUpdate = []; if ($this->_images !== null) { $selected = array_combine($imageIds, $imageIds); foreach ($this->_images as $img) { if (isset($selected[$img->id])) { $imagesToUpdate[] = $selected[$img->id]; } } } else { $rawImages = (new Query()) ->select(['id', 'name', 'description', 'rank']) ->from($this->tableName) ->where(['type' => $this->type, 'ownerId' => $this->getGalleryId()]) ->andWhere(['in', 'id', $imageIds]) ->orderBy(['rank' => 'asc']) ->all(); foreach ($rawImages as $image) { $imagesToUpdate[] = new GalleryImage($this, $image); } } foreach ($imagesToUpdate as $image) { if (isset($imagesData[$image->id]['name'])) { $image->name = $imagesData[$image->id]['name']; } if (isset($imagesData[$image->id]['description'])) { $image->description = $imagesData[$image->id]['description']; } \Yii::$app->db->createCommand() ->update( $this->tableName, ['name' => $image->name, 'description' => $image->description], ['id' => $image->id] )->execute(); } return $imagesToUpdate; } /** * Regenerate image versions * Should be called in migration on every model after changes in versions configuration * * @param string|null $oldExtension */ public function updateImages($oldExtension = null) { $ids = array_map(function ($image) { /** @var GalleryImage $image */ return $image->id; }, $this->getImages()); foreach ($ids as $id) { if ($oldExtension !== null) { $newExtension = $this->extension; $this->extension = $oldExtension; $originalImage = Image::getImagine() ->open($this->getFilePath($id, 'original')); foreach ($this->versions as $version => $fn) { $this->removeFile($this->getFilePath($id, $version)); } $this->extension = $newExtension; $originalImage->save($this->getFilePath($id, 'original')); } else { $originalImage = Image::getImagine() ->open($this->getFilePath($id, 'original')); } foreach ($this->versions as $version => $fn) { if ($version !== 'original') { $this->removeFile($this->getFilePath($id, $version), $this->getFilePath($id, $version)); /** @var ImageInterface $image */ // Yii::$app->async->run(function() { $image = call_user_func($fn, $originalImage, $this->getFilePath($id, $version)); if( $image !== true ) { if (is_array($image)) { list($image, $options) = $image; } else { $options = []; } $image->save($this->getFilePath($id, $version), $options); } // }); } } } } }