'pagination']; /** * @var array HTML attributes which will be applied to all link containers * @since 2.0.13 */ public $linkContainerOptions = []; /** * @var array HTML attributes for the link in a pager container tag. * @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered. */ public $pageCssClass; /** * @var string the CSS class for the "first" page button. */ public $firstPageCssClass = 'first'; /** * @var string the CSS class for the "last" page button. */ public $lastPageCssClass = 'last'; /** * @var string the CSS class for the "previous" page button. */ public $prevPageCssClass = 'prev'; /** * @var string the CSS class for the "next" page button. */ public $nextPageCssClass = 'next'; /** * @var string the CSS class for the active (currently selected) page button. */ public $activePageCssClass = 'active'; /** * @var string the CSS class for the disabled page buttons. */ public $disabledPageCssClass = 'disabled'; /** * @var array the options for the disabled tag to be generated inside the disabled list element. * In order to customize the html tag, please use the tag key. * * ```php * $disabledListItemSubTagOptions = ['tag' => 'div', 'class' => 'disabled-div']; * ``` * @since 2.0.11 */ public $disabledListItemSubTagOptions = []; /** * @var int maximum number of page buttons that can be displayed. Defaults to 10. */ public $maxButtonCount = 10; /** * @var string|bool the label for the "next" page button. Note that this will NOT be HTML-encoded. * If this property is false, the "next" page button will not be displayed. */ public $nextPageLabel = '»'; /** * @var string|bool the text label for the "previous" page button. Note that this will NOT be HTML-encoded. * If this property is false, the "previous" page button will not be displayed. */ public $prevPageLabel = '«'; /** * @var string|bool the text label for the "first" page button. Note that this will NOT be HTML-encoded. * If it's specified as true, page number will be used as label. * Default is false that means the "first" page button will not be displayed. */ public $firstPageLabel = false; /** * @var string|bool the text label for the "last" page button. Note that this will NOT be HTML-encoded. * If it's specified as true, page number will be used as label. * Default is false that means the "last" page button will not be displayed. */ public $lastPageLabel = false; /** * @var bool whether to register link tags in the HTML header for prev, next, first and last page. * Defaults to `false` to avoid conflicts when multiple pagers are used on one page. * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/links.html#h-12.1.2 * @see registerLinkTags() */ public $registerLinkTags = false; /** * @var bool Hide widget when only one page exist. */ public $hideOnSinglePage = true; /** * @var bool whether to render current page button as disabled. * @since 2.0.12 */ public $disableCurrentPageButton = false; public $linkOptions = []; function __construct($config = []) { $this->now = new \DateTime("now",new \DateTimeZone('Asia/Novosibirsk')); parent::__construct($config); } /** * Executes the widget. * This overrides the parent implementation by displaying the generated page buttons. */ public function run() { echo $this->renderPageButtons(); } /** * Renders the page buttons. * @return string the rendering result */ protected function renderPageButtons() { $firstPost = $this->dataProvider->query->orderBy(['dt_pub'=>SORT_ASC])->limit(1)->one(); if(!$firstPost instanceof News) return ''; if($firstPost->dt_pub > $this->now->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00')) return ''; $firstPostDateTime = new \DateTime($firstPost->dt_pub, new \DateTimeZone('Asia/Novosibirsk')); $pageCount = $this->now->diff($firstPostDateTime)->days; if ($pageCount < 2 && $this->hideOnSinglePage) { return ''; } $buttons = []; $currentPage = \Yii::$app->request->get("page", $this->now->format("Y-m-d")); try{ $currentPageDate = new \DateTime($currentPage); } catch (\Exception $exception){ $currentPageDate = new \DateTime("now"); } $pages = $this->getRealPages($currentPageDate,$this->dataProvider->query); $currentPageIndex = array_search($currentPageDate->format("Y-m-d"),array_column($pages,'dt_pub')); if(false === $currentPageIndex){ $currentPageIndex = 0; $currentPageDate = new \DateTime(ArrayHelper::getValue($pages,"0.dt_pub","now")); } // prev page if ($this->prevPageLabel !== false) { if (($page = (clone $currentPageDate)->modify("+1 day"))->format("Y-m-d") > $this->now->format("Y-m-d")) { $page = clone $this->now; } $buttons[] = $this->renderPageButton($this->prevPageLabel, $page->format('Y-m-d'), $this->prevPageCssClass, $currentPage <= 0, false); } foreach ($pages as $page) { $date = new \DateTime($page['dt_pub']); $buttons[] = $this->renderPageButton($date->format('d.m'), $date->format('Y-m-d'), null, $this->disableCurrentPageButton && $date->format('Y-m-d') == $currentPage, $date->format('Y-m-d') == $currentPage); } // internal pages // list($beginPage, $endPage) = $this->getPageRange($currentPageDate->format("Y-m-d"), $firstPostDateTime); // $diff = $beginPage->diff($endPage)->days; // for ($i = 0; $i <= $diff; ++$i) { // $date = (clone $beginPage)->modify("-{$i} days"); // if($date->format("Y") >= $this->now->format("Y")){ // $internalLabel = $date->format('d.m'); // } else { // $internalLabel = $date->format('d.m.y'); // } // $buttons[] = $this->renderPageButton($internalLabel, $date->format('Y-m-d'), null, $this->disableCurrentPageButton && $date->format('Y-m-d') == $currentPage, $date->format('Y-m-d') == $currentPage); // } // next page if ($this->nextPageLabel !== false) { if (($page = (clone $currentPageDate)->modify("-1 day"))->format("Y-m-d") < $firstPostDateTime->format("Y-m-d")) { $page = clone ($firstPostDateTime); } $buttons[] = $this->renderPageButton($this->nextPageLabel, $page->format('Y-m-d'), $this->nextPageCssClass, $currentPage <= 0, false); } $options = $this->options; $tag = ArrayHelper::remove($options, 'tag', 'ul'); return Html::tag($tag, implode("\n", $buttons), $options); } /** * Renders a page button. * You may override this method to customize the generation of page buttons. * @param string $label the text label for the button * @param int $page the page number * @param string $class the CSS class for the page button. * @param bool $disabled whether this page button is disabled * @param bool $active whether this page button is active * @return string the rendering result */ protected function renderPageButton($label, $page, $class, $disabled, $active) { $options = $this->linkContainerOptions; $linkWrapTag = ArrayHelper::remove($options, 'tag', 'li'); Html::addCssClass($options, empty($class) ? $this->pageCssClass : $class); if ($active) { Html::addCssClass($options, $this->activePageCssClass); } if ($disabled) { Html::addCssClass($options, $this->disabledPageCssClass); $disabledItemOptions = $this->disabledListItemSubTagOptions; $tag = ArrayHelper::remove($disabledItemOptions, 'tag', 'span'); return Html::tag($linkWrapTag, Html::tag($tag, $label, $disabledItemOptions), $options); } $linkOptions = $this->linkOptions; $linkOptions['data-page'] = $page; return Html::tag($linkWrapTag, Html::a($label, $this->createUrl($page), $linkOptions), $options); } public function createUrl($page) { $url = parse_url(Url::to()); return Url::to([ArrayHelper::getValue($url, "path","/"),"page"=>$page]); } /** * @return array the begin and end pages that need to be displayed. */ protected function getPageRange($currentPage, \DateTime $firstPostDateTime) { $currentPageDate = new \DateTime($currentPage); $beginPage = min((new \DateTime("now"))->format("Y-m-d"), $currentPageDate->modify("+".($this->maxButtonCount / 2)." days")->format("Y-m-d")); $beginPageDate = new \DateTime($beginPage); if (($endPageDate = (clone $beginPageDate)->modify("-".($this->maxButtonCount - 1)." days")) <= $firstPostDateTime->format("Y-m-d")) { $endPageDate = $firstPostDateTime->modify("+1 day"); $beginPageDate = (clone $endPageDate)->modify("+". ($this->maxButtonCount + 1)." days"); } return [$beginPageDate, $endPageDate]; } public $_realPages = false; public function getRealPages(\DateTime $currentPageDate, QueryInterface $query) { if($this->_realPages === false){ $this->_realPages = $query ->select(["dt_pub"=>"Date(dt_pub)",'cnt'=>"count(*)"]) ->andWhere("dt_pub < NOW()") ->andWhere(['<','dt_pub',$currentPageDate->format('Y-m-d 23:59:59')]) ->groupBy("Date(dt_pub)") ->orderBy(["dt_pub"=>SORT_DESC]) ->limit(10) ->asArray() ->all(); } return $this->_realPages; } }