# Bootstrap Collapsible Item A plugin for ckeditor to allow creation of bootstrap collapsible items (panels). This plugin allows creation collapsible elements in ckeditor. Requires the following ckeditor Plugins: - Widget - Bootstrap Collapsible Item This plugin will add a new widget to allow you to create a collapsible item in ckeditor without the need to work in source-code view. Allows drag and drop placement of created items in the editor. Works together with the __Bootstrap Accordion List__ plugin to create __Accordion List / panel groups__ (see @https://github.com/pkerspe/ckeditor-bootstrap-accordionList) Adds a new icon to your toolbar: ![Editor toolbar and usage example](./doc/images/ckeditor-collapsible-item-editor-view.png?raw=true "Editor toolbar and usage example") # Installation to install manually download all files and store to a newly created folder called "collapsibleItem" inside ckeditors plugins directory. Then add the following line to your config.js (or extend an existing one with the plugin name): `config.extraPlugins = 'collapsibleItem';` # Version history: - __V 0.1__: First version with basic functionality