/** * @license Copyright (c) CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ (function() { if (!supportsLocalStorage()) { CKEDITOR.plugins.add("autosave", {}); //register a dummy plugin to pass CKEditor plugin initialization process return; } CKEDITOR.plugins.add("autosave", { lang: 'ca,cs,de,en,es,fr,ja,pl,pt-br,sv,zh,zh-cn', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE% requires: 'notification', version: 0.13, init: function(editor) { CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet(CKEDITOR.getUrl(CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath('autosave') + 'css/autosave.min.css')); editor.on('instanceReady', function(){ if (typeof (jQuery) === 'undefined') { CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load('//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js', function() { jQuery.noConflict(); loadPlugin(editor); }); } else { CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(CKEDITOR.getUrl(CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath('autosave') + 'js/extensions.min.js'), function() { loadPlugin(editor); }); } }, editor, null, 100); } }); function loadPlugin(editorInstance) { var autoSaveKey = editorInstance.config.autosave_SaveKey != null ? editorInstance.config.autosave_SaveKey : 'autosave_' + window.location + "_" + editorInstance.id; var notOlderThen = editorInstance.config.autosave_NotOlderThen != null ? editorInstance.config.autosave_NotOlderThen : 1440; var saveOnDestroy = editorInstance.config.autosave_saveOnDestroy != null ? editorInstance.config.autosave_saveOnDestroy : false; var saveDetectionSelectors = editorInstance.config.autosave_saveDetectionSelectors != null ? editorInstance.config.autosave_saveDetectionSelectors : "a[href^='javascript:__doPostBack'][id*='Save'],a[id*='Cancel']"; CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(CKEDITOR.getUrl(CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath('autosave') + 'js/extensions.min.js'), function() { GenerateAutoSaveDialog(editorInstance, autoSaveKey); CheckForAutoSavedContent(editorInstance, autoSaveKey, notOlderThen); }); jQuery(saveDetectionSelectors).click(function() { RemoveStorage(autoSaveKey); }); editorInstance.on('change', startTimer); editorInstance.on('destroy', function() { if (saveOnDestroy) { SaveData(autoSaveKey, editorInstance); } }); } var timeOutId = 0, savingActive = false; var startTimer = function(event) { if (timeOutId) { } else { var delay = CKEDITOR.config.autosave_delay != null ? CKEDITOR.config.autosave_delay : 25; timeOutId = setTimeout(onTimer, delay * 1000, event); } }; var onTimer = function(event) { if (savingActive) { startTimer(event); } else if (event.editor.checkDirty() || event.editor.plugins.bbcode) { savingActive = true; var editor = event.editor, autoSaveKey = editor.config.autosave_SaveKey != null ? editor.config.autosave_SaveKey : 'autosave_' + window.location + "_" + editor.id; SaveData(autoSaveKey, editor); timeOutId = 0; savingActive = false; } }; // localStorage detection function supportsLocalStorage() { if (typeof (Storage) === 'undefined') { return false; } try { localStorage.getItem("___test_key"); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } function GenerateAutoSaveDialog(editorInstance, autoSaveKey) { CKEDITOR.dialog.add('autosaveDialog', function() { return { title: editorInstance.lang.autosave.title, minHeight: 155, height: 300, width: 750, onShow: function() { RenderDiff(this, editorInstance, autoSaveKey); }, onOk: function() { if (localStorage.getItem(autoSaveKey)) { var jsonSavedContent = LoadData(autoSaveKey); editorInstance.loadSnapshot(jsonSavedContent.data); RemoveStorage(autoSaveKey); } }, onCancel: function() { RemoveStorage(autoSaveKey); }, contents: [ { label: '', id: 'general', elements: [ { type: 'radio', id: 'diffType', label: editorInstance.lang.autosave.diffType, items: [[editorInstance.lang.autosave.sideBySide, 'sideBySide'], [editorInstance.lang.autosave.inline, 'inline']], 'default': 'sideBySide', onClick: function() { RenderDiff(this._.dialog, editorInstance, autoSaveKey); } }, { type: 'html', id: 'diffContent', html: '' } ] } ], buttons: [ { id: 'ok', type: 'button', label: editorInstance.lang.autosave.ok, 'class': 'cke_dialog_ui_button_ok cke_dialog_autosave_ok', onClick: function(evt) { var dialog = evt.data.dialog; if (dialog.fire('ok', { hide: true }).hide !== false) dialog.hide(); } }, { id: 'cancel', type: 'button', label: editorInstance.lang.autosave.no, 'class': 'cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel', onClick: function(evt) { var dialog = evt.data.dialog; if (dialog.fire('cancel', { hide: true }).hide !== false) dialog.hide(); } } ] }; }); } function CheckForAutoSavedContent(editorInstance, autoSaveKey, notOlderThen) { // Checks If there is data available and load it if (localStorage.getItem(autoSaveKey)) { var jsonSavedContent = LoadData(autoSaveKey); var autoSavedContent = jsonSavedContent.data; var autoSavedContentDate = jsonSavedContent.saveTime; var editorLoadedContent = editorInstance.getSnapshot(); // check if the loaded editor content is the same as the autosaved content if (editorLoadedContent == autoSavedContent) { localStorage.removeItem(autoSaveKey); return; } // Ignore if autosaved content is older then x minutes if (moment(new Date()).diff(new Date(autoSavedContentDate), 'minutes') > notOlderThen) { RemoveStorage(autoSaveKey); return; } var confirmMessage = editorInstance.lang.autosave.loadSavedContent.replace("{0}", moment(autoSavedContentDate).locale(editorInstance.config.language).format(editorInstance.lang.autosave.dateFormat)); if (confirm(confirmMessage)) { // Open DIFF Dialog editorInstance.openDialog('autosaveDialog'); } else { RemoveStorage(autoSaveKey); } } } function LoadData(autoSaveKey) { console.log('LD lS'); var data = localStorage.getItem(autoSaveKey); if( data ){ var compressedJSON = LZString.decompressFromUTF16( data ); return JSON.parse(compressedJSON); } return ''; } function SaveData(autoSaveKey, editorInstance) { var compressedJSON = LZString.compressToUTF16(JSON.stringify({ data: editorInstance.getSnapshot(), saveTime: new Date() })); localStorage.setItem(autoSaveKey, compressedJSON); var notification = new CKEDITOR.plugins.notification( editorInstance, { message: editorInstance.lang.autosave.autoSaveMessage, type: 'success' } ); notification.show(); } function RemoveStorage(autoSaveKey) { if (timeOutId) { clearTimeout(timeOutId); } localStorage.removeItem(autoSaveKey); } function RenderDiff(dialog, editorInstance, autoSaveKey) { var jsonSavedContent = LoadData(autoSaveKey); var base = difflib.stringAsLines(editorInstance.getSnapshot()); var newtxt = difflib.stringAsLines(jsonSavedContent.data); var sm = new difflib.SequenceMatcher(base, newtxt); var opcodes = sm.get_opcodes(); dialog.getContentElement('general', 'diffContent').getElement().setHtml('