# 🎉 Welcome to POWr Social Feed for CKEditor 🎉 ## How to install: ### Option 1: Add plugin from content delivery network (CDN): HTML JavaScript: CKEDITOR.replace('editor1',{ extraPlugins: 'powrsocialfeed', height: '800px', }); CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('powrsocialfeed', "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/superpowr/powr_for_ckeditor4/powrsocialfeed/", 'plugin.js'); ### Option 2: Add plugin from local installation on your server: 1. [Download POWr Social Feed CKEditor Plugin](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/superpowr/powr_for_ckeditor4/powrsocialfeed/powrsocialfeed.zip) 2. Unzip the downloaded plugin `powrsocialfeed.zip` and put the resulting `powrsocialfeed` folder into the `plugins` folder of your CKEditor installation. Example: http://example.com/ckeditor/plugins/powrsocialfeed 3. Enable the plugin by using the [`extraPlugins`](https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor4/latest/api/CKEDITOR_config.html#cfg-extraPlugins) configuration setting. Example: config.extraPlugins = 'powrsocialfeed'; ## How to create and edit POWr Social Feed: After the POWr Social Feed for CKEditor plugin is installed, it's easy to create and update Social Feed! 1. Easily add a Social Feed within the CKEditor by clicking the `Insert Social Feed` Icon. Insert more POWr Apps by clicking the `+ POWr` menu. 2. The Social Feed will then appear within the Editor. Click `Edit Social Feed` to open the POWr Editor and create and update your Social Feed. ## Need help? [Visit our help center](https://www.powr.io/knowledge-base) and get answers!