/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license */ /** * @fileOverview Handles the indentation of lists. */ ( function() { 'use strict'; var isNotWhitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ), isNotBookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( false, true ), TRISTATE_DISABLED = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED, TRISTATE_OFF = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF; CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'indentlist', { requires: 'indent', init: function( editor ) { var globalHelpers = CKEDITOR.plugins.indent; // Register commands. globalHelpers.registerCommands( editor, { indentlist: new commandDefinition( editor, 'indentlist', true ), outdentlist: new commandDefinition( editor, 'outdentlist' ) } ); function commandDefinition( editor ) { globalHelpers.specificDefinition.apply( this, arguments ); // Require ul OR ol list. this.requiredContent = [ 'ul', 'ol' ]; // Indent and outdent lists with TAB/SHIFT+TAB key. Indenting can // be done for any list item that isn't the first child of the parent. editor.on( 'key', function( evt ) { if ( editor.mode != 'wysiwyg' ) return; if ( evt.data.keyCode == this.indentKey ) { var list = this.getContext( editor.elementPath() ); if ( list ) { // Don't indent if in first list item of the parent. // Outdent, however, can always be done to collapse // the list into a paragraph (div). if ( this.isIndent && CKEDITOR.plugins.indentList.firstItemInPath( this.context, editor.elementPath(), list ) ) return; // Exec related global indentation command. Global // commands take care of bookmarks and selection, // so it's much easier to use them instead of // content-specific commands. editor.execCommand( this.relatedGlobal ); // Cancel the key event so editor doesn't lose focus. evt.cancel(); } } }, this ); // There are two different jobs for this plugin: // // * Indent job (priority=10), before indentblock. // // This job is before indentblock because, if this plugin is // loaded it has higher priority over indentblock. It means that, // if possible, nesting is performed, and then block manipulation, // if necessary. // // * Outdent job (priority=30), after outdentblock. // // This job got to be after outdentblock because in some cases // (margin, config#indentClass on list) outdent must be done on // block-level. this.jobs[ this.isIndent ? 10 : 30 ] = { refresh: this.isIndent ? function( editor, path ) { var list = this.getContext( path ), inFirstListItem = CKEDITOR.plugins.indentList.firstItemInPath( this.context, path, list ); if ( !list || !this.isIndent || inFirstListItem ) return TRISTATE_DISABLED; return TRISTATE_OFF; } : function( editor, path ) { var list = this.getContext( path ); if ( !list || this.isIndent ) return TRISTATE_DISABLED; return TRISTATE_OFF; }, exec: CKEDITOR.tools.bind( indentList, this ) }; } CKEDITOR.tools.extend( commandDefinition.prototype, globalHelpers.specificDefinition.prototype, { // Elements that, if in an elementpath, will be handled by this // command. They restrict the scope of the plugin. context: { ol: 1, ul: 1 } } ); } } ); function indentList( editor ) { var that = this, database = this.database, context = this.context; function indent( listNode ) { // Our starting and ending points of the range might be inside some blocks under a list item... // So before playing with the iterator, we need to expand the block to include the list items. var startContainer = range.startContainer, endContainer = range.endContainer; while ( startContainer && !startContainer.getParent().equals( listNode ) ) startContainer = startContainer.getParent(); while ( endContainer && !endContainer.getParent().equals( listNode ) ) endContainer = endContainer.getParent(); if ( !startContainer || !endContainer ) return false; // Now we can iterate over the individual items on the same tree depth. var block = startContainer, itemsToMove = [], stopFlag = false; while ( !stopFlag ) { if ( block.equals( endContainer ) ) stopFlag = true; itemsToMove.push( block ); block = block.getNext(); } if ( itemsToMove.length < 1 ) return false; // Do indent or outdent operations on the array model of the list, not the // list's DOM tree itself. The array model demands that it knows as much as // possible about the surrounding lists, we need to feed it the further // ancestor node that is still a list. var listParents = listNode.getParents( true ); for ( var i = 0; i < listParents.length; i++ ) { if ( listParents[ i ].getName && context[ listParents[ i ].getName() ] ) { listNode = listParents[ i ]; break; } } var indentOffset = that.isIndent ? 1 : -1, startItem = itemsToMove[ 0 ], lastItem = itemsToMove[ itemsToMove.length - 1 ], // Convert the list DOM tree into a one dimensional array. listArray = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.listToArray( listNode, database ), // Apply indenting or outdenting on the array. baseIndent = listArray[ lastItem.getCustomData( 'listarray_index' ) ].indent; for ( i = startItem.getCustomData( 'listarray_index' ); i <= lastItem.getCustomData( 'listarray_index' ); i++ ) { listArray[ i ].indent += indentOffset; // Make sure the newly created sublist get a brand-new element of the same type. (#5372) if ( indentOffset > 0 ) { var listRoot = listArray[ i ].parent; listArray[ i ].parent = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( listRoot.getName(), listRoot.getDocument() ); } } for ( i = lastItem.getCustomData( 'listarray_index' ) + 1; i < listArray.length && listArray[ i ].indent > baseIndent; i++ ) listArray[ i ].indent += indentOffset; // Convert the array back to a DOM forest (yes we might have a few subtrees now). // And replace the old list with the new forest. var newList = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.arrayToList( listArray, database, null, editor.config.enterMode, listNode.getDirection() ); // Avoid nested
if ( !nearestListBlock ) { if ( ( nearestListBlock = range.startPath().contains( context ) ) ) range.setEndAt( nearestListBlock, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END ); } // Avoid having selection enclose the entire list. (#6138) // [