/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'a11yHelp', function( editor ) { var lang = editor.lang.a11yhelp, id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(); // CharCode <-> KeyChar. var keyMap = { 8: lang.backspace, 9: lang.tab, 13: lang.enter, 16: lang.shift, 17: lang.ctrl, 18: lang.alt, 19: lang.pause, 20: lang.capslock, 27: lang.escape, 33: lang.pageUp, 34: lang.pageDown, 35: lang.end, 36: lang.home, 37: lang.leftArrow, 38: lang.upArrow, 39: lang.rightArrow, 40: lang.downArrow, 45: lang.insert, 46: lang[ 'delete' ], 91: lang.leftWindowKey, 92: lang.rightWindowKey, 93: lang.selectKey, 96: lang.numpad0, 97: lang.numpad1, 98: lang.numpad2, 99: lang.numpad3, 100: lang.numpad4, 101: lang.numpad5, 102: lang.numpad6, 103: lang.numpad7, 104: lang.numpad8, 105: lang.numpad9, 106: lang.multiply, 107: lang.add, 109: lang.subtract, 110: lang.decimalPoint, 111: lang.divide, 112: lang.f1, 113: lang.f2, 114: lang.f3, 115: lang.f4, 116: lang.f5, 117: lang.f6, 118: lang.f7, 119: lang.f8, 120: lang.f9, 121: lang.f10, 122: lang.f11, 123: lang.f12, 144: lang.numLock, 145: lang.scrollLock, 186: lang.semiColon, 187: lang.equalSign, 188: lang.comma, 189: lang.dash, 190: lang.period, 191: lang.forwardSlash, 192: lang.graveAccent, 219: lang.openBracket, 220: lang.backSlash, 221: lang.closeBracket, 222: lang.singleQuote }; // Modifier keys override. keyMap[ CKEDITOR.ALT ] = lang.alt; keyMap[ CKEDITOR.SHIFT ] = lang.shift; keyMap[ CKEDITOR.CTRL ] = lang.ctrl; // Sort in desc. var modifiers = [ CKEDITOR.ALT, CKEDITOR.SHIFT, CKEDITOR.CTRL ]; function representKeyStroke( keystroke ) { var quotient, modifier, presentation = []; for ( var i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++ ) { modifier = modifiers[ i ]; quotient = keystroke / modifiers[ i ]; if ( quotient > 1 && quotient <= 2 ) { keystroke -= modifier; presentation.push( keyMap[ modifier ] ); } } presentation.push( keyMap[ keystroke ] || String.fromCharCode( keystroke ) ); return presentation.join( '+' ); } var variablesPattern = /\$\{(.*?)\}/g; var replaceVariables = ( function() { // Swaps keystrokes with their commands in object literal. // This makes searching keystrokes by command much easier. var keystrokesByCode = editor.keystrokeHandler.keystrokes, keystrokesByName = {}; for ( var i in keystrokesByCode ) keystrokesByName[ keystrokesByCode[ i ] ] = i; return function( match, name ) { // Return the keystroke representation or leave match untouched // if there's no keystroke for such command. return keystrokesByName[ name ] ? representKeyStroke( keystrokesByName[ name ] ) : match; }; } )(); // Create the help list directly from lang file entries. function buildHelpContents() { var pageTpl = '
' + '' + lang.contents + ' ', sectionTpl = '


', itemTpl = '
'; var pageHtml = [], sections = lang.legend, sectionLength = sections.length; for ( var i = 0; i < sectionLength; i++ ) { var section = sections[ i ], sectionHtml = [], items = section.items, itemsLength = items.length; for ( var j = 0; j < itemsLength; j++ ) { var item = items[ j ], itemLegend = item.legend.replace( variablesPattern, replaceVariables ); // (#9765) If some commands haven't been replaced in the legend, // most likely their keystrokes are unavailable and we shouldn't include // them in our help list. if ( itemLegend.match( variablesPattern ) ) continue; sectionHtml.push( itemTpl.replace( '%1', item.name ).replace( '%2', itemLegend ) ); } pageHtml.push( sectionTpl.replace( '%1', section.name ).replace( '%2', sectionHtml.join( '' ) ) ); } return pageTpl.replace( '%1', pageHtml.join( '' ) ); } return { title: lang.title, minWidth: 600, minHeight: 400, contents: [ { id: 'info', label: editor.lang.common.generalTab, expand: true, elements: [ { type: 'html', id: 'legends', style: 'white-space:normal;', focus: function() { this.getElement().focus(); }, html: buildHelpContents() + '' } ] } ], buttons: [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ] }; } );